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Work With Me
1 ON 1:

This in an exclusive and intensive program (3-6 months) which will be customized for you. You’re an executive, leader or senior manager, ready to explore, expand and evolve while growing personally and accelerating professional goals.

I partner with you to create awareness and new ways of leading. Ready for the future now.

Your mental, emotional and physical vitality is everything to start to trust the process, feel true contentment and be able to level up.
Facing leadership challenges in complex times and rapidly changing environment combined with personal obstacles can be draining. If you can’t cope with everything, I gonna be your source of positive energy to explore new ways of being and working. 

This is for you if:

  • You feel ready for a change
  • You want to level up
  • You feel overwhelmed or exhausted
  • You want to lead and be ready for the change in leadership
  • You want to make work that matters, create meaning and change the world
You’re passionate about what you’re doing and in order to be able to do so, you need emotional, mental and physical vitality. To truly enjoy your success and lead from a place of purpose, intention and power, you’ve to be willing to:
  • Partner up with me and dig deep
  • Reflect your values and desires
  • Gain clarity and create a clear roadmap to do the work
We will define your goals and plan your life and work accordingly.
Ready to level up your leadership?

Ready to level up your leadership?

You will:

  • Leverage personal and professional leadership
  • Become a balanced and resilient leader 
  • Have tools to effectively manage or even use pressure, stress and time
  • Own healthy and sustainable habits to enjoy your success
  • Switch from past leadership and become a leader of the future, now

I’m your trusted partner for strategic business planning, transformation projects and all areas of life.

What you get:

  • Deep Dive session (60+ minutes as needed).
  • 6 x 60 min intensive strategy calls (can be redeemed anytime within 12 weeks) where we will work towards your goals together.
  • Personalised notes after each session. I have you back. Helping you to stay on track, reframe thoughts and shift your mindset.
  • Unlimited feedback, support, and accountability check-in via email to ensure momentum and move in the right direction.
  • Individual feedback and accountability after each session to help you reach your goals.
  • Direct contact via WhatsApp for sharing wins and challenges.
  • Customised brain and/or body movement strategies.
  • Innovative tools and worksheets to LEVEL UP life & career!
The dose of positive energy whenever needed to keep you excited while growing – personally and professionally! 

Ready to be a leader of the future NOW?

Interested? Book Your Free Consulting Call Now.

Have any questions?

7 Steps For Your Successful Goal Slayage When Working Remotely

Including 4 bonuses - Get them now!
  • Daily Intentional Journaling
  • Work-Life-Flow-First Playlist
  • Guided Success & Flow Meditation
  • Free Focus Chat
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