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DD #16: Transform Your Life and Be Sexually Fulfilled

Sylvia Jagla
Sylvia Jagla
DD #16: Transform Your Life and Be Sexually Fulfilled

Self-proclaimed Sex Queen, Brenda Florida shares about sex, abuse and how you can transform your life to have a fulfilled sex life, no matter if you are single or in a relationship.

Brenda dares daily to believe that there are infinite possibilities for her life and for the world. She believes she has the seeds for accomplishing whatever she wants in life. She focuses on facilitating her clients’ awakening to sustainable transformation.


  • 4 things that need to be in alignment to create change
  • How your darkest days can create your greatest joy.
  • Her memory of sexual abuse as a child and how that affected her life as a married adult
  • Brenda’s journey from hating sex to becoming a Sex Queen
  • How she learned to set healthy boundaries
  • How she gave herself permission to say no

Above all, Brenda helps women understand that they do not need to give their power away to anyone. She encourages them to set boundaries that keep them feeling fulfilled and speak up for what they really want.

This podcast is for women who want to show up for themselves and create a life they desire.



Brenda Florida

Brenda Florida is a Certified Life Coach and Sex Queen who follows her heart. She is passionate about personal growth. Her mission is to help others to facilitate another person opening and awakening to sustainable transformation.

There are four parts she focuses on in her coaching and online programs: Your Yearnings, Thoughts, Feelings and, Actions.

She is also a self-proclaimed Sex Queen and shares from the bottom of her heart in order to allow others to heal and be able to create a life they truly desire.

After being sexually abused as a child, her sexuality was a painful part of her life for many years. Today, she opens up the conversation about sexuality and supports women to speak up for what they really want.

One Big Change

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Life, Relationships, Womanhood

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